Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Atlantis in Japan

Yay, weird dream again! So it consisted of an excursion to a Japanese theme park. I think it was for Science. I think my dream was really a sign saying "We should go to a Japanese underwater theme park for a science excursion." Quite frankly, I agree :L Anywho, it started before the excursion where I was drawing signs and stuff. LOL Huynh was there and he approved of them ... yay. And then we entered - YAY! It wasn't very Japanese looking at all. In fact, I think it was only the sign that said 'JAPAN' that was the Japanese part of it :L Anywho, we entered and got onto the rollercoaster! It was fun. I remember drawing the reactions of people on the ride before we entered. Danny also approved of it. LOL He must've been blind. Here is the picture by the way. Or what I remember.

LOL I think the last part was because there was this certain soundtrack in my head at the time. ...

Okay, so I went to get something to eat and at one point there was this cabinet full of cake, chocolate and icecream. You were to buy a cup and fill it  I was standing there deciding whether or not I should buy it. LOL It seemed like a very big rip-off to me. ... Yeah, I'm also very cheap in my dreams :\ So I ended up not getting the cup and I headed for ze underwater part of the trip.

It started at a small cave and Mr Georgiou (LOL I don't know how to spell) told us to scrape some icky crap off of something and to throw it into the fountain. I didn't and don't understand why it was necessary though because it changed nothing and we crawled through the hole either way. So yeah, Mai and I went through the hole and explored the place. It was a very pretty place too. It was like an underwater, ancient city with lots of Greek culture crap. Which was weird because the theme park was Japanese ... But yeah, Miss Bremert was leading the group and she said we were not to touch or move anything at all. I walked around and walked past Harley from Lansvale. He also went on to CVHS. But left at one point. He broke glass. Everybody was giving him bad looks. LOL I think my dream is telling me that people love glass. Mhmm. And I walked on. John Whore decided to pop up from behind a block and I blew bubbles into his face. So that meant that we were breathing underwater and yet we were walking around as if we were on the surface. Yeah, the logic just gets weirder guys. Because afterwards I met up with Trinh and we walked around. And then, for some odd reason, Ms Rogers decided to threaten us with a phoenix. ... And yeah, we ran and she chased us with a lit phoenix flying above her. LOL We escaped of course :) But I do remember almost falling over when the stairs got really steep. LOL It was terrifying. And yeah. That's pretty much where it stopped. Hm.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Parallel Universes and Alternate Dimensions

LOL, okay. So, the dream I had last night was quite interesting but boring at the same time :L It had this Doctor Who feel to it and it... it didn't end very nicely. So it started off in this warehouse like place right? It looks like a place where the government would secretly store alien artifacts. It's not, but it has that kinda look. And in this place are a group of young adults going on vacation and various workers working for the main guy. They all have there bags ready. And there's the main guy. He operates the big machine. The big machine being a device that takes you to other dimensions. LOL So we used it to go to a house ... :L It was like a slumber party. The house was pretty big. Not Tony Stark big, but big. And we just messed around. Oh, by the way, Jess, Huynh and Eeh were there. They came with me.

LOL, yeah, I don't understand why a dimension hopping machine was necessary, but it was :L I remember there being a giant perfume bottle with glitter and star shapes inside of it. I showed Huynh because he liked perfume bottles and he got aroused. ....... LOL I DON'T UNDERSTAND EITHER. And then the guy who owned the house woke up or came home. LOL He was old and fat and just looked like the businessman type. The main guy (Yeah, I don't know why I'm not the protagonist of me own dream) was all like "oh, sorry, man." And the owner was just all like "Don't worry. Just don't forget to clean up. I want every inch of this place clean when y'all are done." The place was tres dusty. We had fun. It looks fun sleeping over with a lot of people at a big house. LOL I don't know why. Also, Eeh was being a total ass in my dream. He was all annoying and acting like he was better than me. As if I annoyed him. Screw you, Eeh. I'm leavin' yo broke ass in this strange dimension if you don' drop da attitude, mmmhmm. ... LOL MY DREAMS MEAN NOTHING :L Anywho, when it was time to leave, everybody just left. No cleaning up. Main guy stayed behind though. I assume he was staying back to clean up :) How sweet. When me and the others came back, the workers seemed to have guns. As if they were ready for some killin'. Also, the workers, just for your imagination, are people in those worker suits that are like jackets + pants :L I'm sure they have a name, and they also have fly heads. They're humanoid, but they have fly heads. ... Like in Dr Who :O And when we saw this, some guy just thought he'd say: "Oh, there master's been gone so long they forgot what he looked like. They probably won't recognise him and attack him." LOL Yeah, I don't know how this extra knew this, being a teen on vc, but he did. LOL Yeah. Anywho, the main guy came back and said hi. He is very friendly. I think he looked like Chris from skins. He wasn't like him personality-wise though. And yeah, when he came back, he gave this little card thingy to Frankie. LOL Frankie is also from skins. And she was very happy and what he did was super-nice. He's a great guy, the main one. And when he's leaning on a small shelf, he gets shot in the back. It gets really sad and dramatic and everybody is in shock and they run to him and he's bleeding like crazy and then I woke up.

Yeah, my phone woke me up. I woke up and was close to being late for tutor :O My mum was calling from Melbourne asking if I woke up for tutor yet :L And I had to clear my voice and sound cheery and energetic so I wouldn't have that groggy voice you get when you just wake up :L

But yeah, the dream was just really sad. He was a very lovable person and just the nicest person and he died. Right then and there. Blood everywhere and I watched the whole thing. I woke up so sad LOL I know it was just a dream but I grew attached to that character and he died! DAMMIT. LOL Even if he was at most a TV character, I don't like good people getting shot in the back. It ain't nice like strawberries and cream. LOL wait, I dislike cream :\ Yeah. That was my latest dream guys :L I hoped you understood it :L

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

If Ever I Get There.

So I guess this one started with me crossing the road. So, it was an uphill road and there were motorcyclists riding up it. The world was a really pretty one. Everything was in a bright light and a summer/spring hue. … If you know what I mean. Like, peach and rose and whatnot. Just very pretty. I remember crossing the road with two other people that I didn’t know. They were pretty also and in short dresses. The motorbikes came through like non-stop until two lesbians stopped where we were standing and started talking about something regarding the environment? And I with the other two women crossed and proceeded to go uphill. When I got to the top, there was this small little house. It was adorable and outside was a summery/springy flowerbed. Moui pretty. I got inside the house because I’m a badass and I break and enter random houses. LOL not really, not even in my dreams :( :L In the house were those two lesbians and a nerdy girl. I think there was an issue about a pineapple on the roof, drying. I think I claimed to have put one there, then she got up on the roof to check and the lesbians had one up there so the nerd girl believed me. … I don’t understand either. Anywho, I stayed and relatives I think came to visit. Their’s, not mine. The uncle was drawing on some sort of fancy, black film paper. Nerd-girl started drawing killer ants on one because her uncle told her too and everybody was telling her, “make it really good!” LOL I told her to make the pincers blades :D And she was like yeah, we can make them really sharp so they can get in deep and suck out lots more blood! LOL Strange girl. Then, we went to the dresses room so I could find a towel, and the gals tried on dresses and for some reason Alexandra was there. Yeah, the one from school :L And then the next day we went to a game show to enter. I went with the nerd girl and the lesbians and met up with Alexandra and Linda Nguyen (Yes, the one from Lansvale) at the game show place. So the competition was about who had the best killer ant that could kill the most small animals. ……………. LOL Don’t judge me, I had no idea what the comp was about in the first place! I was just there for moral support :L Eventually we one. Killer ant sucked the life out of the most small animals :) When we one, we got up on this little spacecraft thingy that lifted us to the top of the studio. On it was me, nerd girl and Alexandra. Alex apparently knew all the lines. When the host said something she replied with the right catchphrase while the apparatus shook about. Then, when we finally were declared the winners, we were shaken down and met with those damn kiwi bitches. Well, kiwi or islander. I’m somewhat racist. They were yelling out mean comments and crap. And reading out mean tweets about us. LOL (People were tweeting about us! xD …) Then they started singing a song I used to listen to all the time. Can’t remember what it was though. Then, when we one, we watched a theme park’s ad about pizza. LOL It was, like, stuffed with pineapples? LOL Then when we got down, the show ended and we won a plate with a bag of pizza. I poured out a few slices from the bag and walked around. It was kind-of too much to carry so I went to Linda to ask for help. She ended up taking the plate, and I was like, no, just the bag, and she messed everything up and eventually I ended up holding everything still. And I was like, LOL what? And she was like, “you should hold it because you’re you.” And I was confused and she explained that it was because I was so nice. LOL I’m a tool in my dreams. But the way she said it sounded very genuine and nice :\ LOL LEAVE ME ALONE. I can’t believe I dreamed about someone complimenting me :L I’m such douchebag :L OH WELL. Then, that was pretty much it. Linda held the plate at one point when it had two pizza’s left and I told her to save it for Alex and some guy because they had yet to eat one and she started to bite into one and I was like WHY DID YOU DO THAT? Then Alex ended up not wanting anyways. Yeah. Strange dream this one. By the way, welcome to my dream journal :L