Yay, weird dream again! So it consisted of an excursion to a Japanese theme park. I think it was for Science. I think my dream was really a sign saying "We should go to a Japanese underwater theme park for a science excursion." Quite frankly, I agree :L Anywho, it started before the excursion where I was drawing signs and stuff. LOL Huynh was there and he approved of them ... yay. And then we entered - YAY! It wasn't very Japanese looking at all. In fact, I think it was only the sign that said 'JAPAN' that was the Japanese part of it :L Anywho, we entered and got onto the rollercoaster! It was fun. I remember drawing the reactions of people on the ride before we entered. Danny also approved of it. LOL He must've been blind. Here is the picture by the way. Or what I remember.
LOL I think the last part was because there was this certain soundtrack in my head at the time. ...
Okay, so I went to get something to eat and at one point there was this cabinet full of cake, chocolate and icecream. You were to buy a cup and fill it I was standing there deciding whether or not I should buy it. LOL It seemed like a very big rip-off to me. ... Yeah, I'm also very cheap in my dreams :\ So I ended up not getting the cup and I headed for ze underwater part of the trip.
It started at a small cave and Mr Georgiou (LOL I don't know how to spell) told us to scrape some icky crap off of something and to throw it into the fountain. I didn't and don't understand why it was necessary though because it changed nothing and we crawled through the hole either way. So yeah, Mai and I went through the hole and explored the place. It was a very pretty place too. It was like an underwater, ancient city with lots of Greek culture crap. Which was weird because the theme park was Japanese ... But yeah, Miss Bremert was leading the group and she said we were not to touch or move anything at all. I walked around and walked past Harley from Lansvale. He also went on to CVHS. But left at one point. He broke glass. Everybody was giving him bad looks. LOL I think my dream is telling me that people love glass. Mhmm. And I walked on. John Whore decided to pop up from behind a block and I blew bubbles into his face. So that meant that we were breathing underwater and yet we were walking around as if we were on the surface. Yeah, the logic just gets weirder guys. Because afterwards I met up with Trinh and we walked around. And then, for some odd reason, Ms Rogers decided to threaten us with a phoenix. ... And yeah, we ran and she chased us with a lit phoenix flying above her. LOL We escaped of course :) But I do remember almost falling over when the stairs got really steep. LOL It was terrifying. And yeah. That's pretty much where it stopped. Hm.
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