Friday, 13 April 2012


Okay, so horrible dream last night. It wasn't a nightmare or anything, it was just very uncomfortable. So, pretty much, it was located here in the room I'm in now. So just a room with a sofa bed and TV and stuff, and with me were Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Ross, Rachel and Joey. ...... And the whole thing was about these special pens. You see, I had just bought a bunch of new stationery, and was very excited to use them. But, there was a catch to the new pens. I had to inject myself with a special serum thing first. The serum pretty much looked like the pen ink, whichever colour, but diluted slightly. So it looked like thin cordial :L And yeah. For each coloured pen I had to inject myself with the corresponding needle. And weirdly enough, I actually had this dream another night before, and that was when I injected myself with the blue ink. And that went very well. My veins went very blue and there was no pain. But last night, when I had the dream again, and it was like a continuation, I had to go on to the  next colours. And that night, I decided that I'd inject the pink ink through my veins via my wrists. Which was bad. Because instead of inserting the needle at an angle, I did it straight on, straight down. And the pink ink ended up missing the veins, and lol, this  part was weird. The ink started to crowd my wrist. As in, it was under my skin, but my skin became slightly transparent and a thick ring of dilute pink started to form around my wrist. It was like my wrist was a bag of water and pink had been shoved in and it was so icky. I freaked out like crazy. And so the needle was still stuck in my wrist, right? And I pulled the handle of the needle back, to suck the pink back out and it did, and it was still so freaky and ajdsldkajflkdsjlfjldfa, bad bad bad. It was just really uncomfortable. Strangely though, I was not scared of using needles on myself. I just did LOL I remember Monica telling off Ross, and Ross defending himself by calling himself a doctor, saying he'd done this before :L ... I should take a break from friends... :L And yeah, dream went on to another colour and ended there. And now, I have this really weird feeling in my left arm. It's just so uncomfortably tingly. Ugh. Okay, that's it. BYE!

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